Wednesday, October 13, 2010

We can do more with archicad

Hey guys..this is a message to every one, primarily to our interior architect, Tina. Do not let archicad limit your design capabilities. We shouldn't follow dimensions of fixtures from the archicad library. We humans should be more flexible than those of the programmed and the formulated. We should be playful and expressing charisma in designs.For example, Tina, archicads sinks are huge, too much luxury than what a human would ever need(exaggerated). Due to the narrow pathway in the bath house, and sink placed smack in the middle of it, a smaller sink would be more aesthetical and practical. So, our client is challenged to survive with a smaller sink, No problem.

Here are some fireplace designs for the bath house. The above 3 fireplaces are possible to be made in archicad via complex profiles. Tina, you can pick one that you think would suit the bath house best. Keep in mind you can change the lay out of the interior, like the fireplace. Then ill help you with the complex profile.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! the second fireplace is really awesome!
    how it gonna function without a chimney? very flexible in placing it... wherever you want it to be warmer! COol MaN!
