Hey guys,
Hope you had a good holiday. Just to give you a rough start point for your work for this week, I thought that it'll be helpful to give you individual directions towards what to complete so that we won't stray from the proposed Timeline.
BY THIS WEDNESDAYRachel Lee-To communicate with Group members regarding Group information and meetings.
-To sort out and update members with task and roles to accomplish.
-Overseeing group members in the completion of task and helping whoever, wherever needed.
Justin Lee-To complete basic model renovations. (e.g. Wall extensions / modifications, slab alterations, etc.)
Citra Fila Telis-To create basic landscape of new location for building. (Mesh, contour, AHD)
Tina Xiong-To assist Citra in producing basic landscape of new location for building.
Chze Yoon-Initiate design process for Analogue Presentation sheet.
BY END OF WEEK 10Rachel Lee & Justin Lee-Overseeing group members in the completion of task and helping whoever, wherever needed.
-Overlooking works by Presentation Artist, Interior Designer and Landscape Architect to ensure highest quality of work.
Rachel Lee-Constantly and continuously checking ArchiCAD server for Group amended updates and compiling progress/updates.
-Making sure there's clear communication amongst group members regarding decisions, problems, solutions and discussions.
-Making sure group members are up to date with task that is needed to be completed.
-Organizing communication strategies and ways to communicate effectively (Group meetings, blog, group e-mails.)
Justin Lee-Helping and amending work done before - if there are any changes that is needed to be made.
-Helping in solving problems and overcoming discussion issues amongst members.
-Making final decisions regarding technical and creative aspects of discussions and suggestions.
Citra Fila Telis-To create more detailed landscape of new location for building. (Trees, gardens, natural landscape forms - blending grass, cliff, rocks, sand, ocean, horizon and sky naturally)
-Helping Chze Yoon in preparing overall design for analogue presentation.
Tina Xiong-To complete overall Interior and Exterior detailing. (Materials)
-To complete overall furnishing and decoration.
-Helping Citra in accomplishing task in regards to landscaping and overcoming possible problems.
Chze Yoon-Work on general layout, color scheme and concept for the Analogue Presentation sheet.
-Helping Tina in completing responsibilities in regards to Interior and Exterior detailing towards determining material attributes, furnishing and decoration.
Just to refersh your memory:Timeline (Plan of Completion)Week 9-Leaders and helpers to discuss task at hand
-Initiation of basic model renovation (e.g. Wall extensions / modifications, slab alterations, etc.)-Landscaping alterations
-Communicate throughout holidays (SMS, MSN, E-mail, phone)
Week 10-Interior and exterior detailing (Materials)
-Gathering information to produce analogue presentation
-Designing layout sheet for analogue presentation
-Furnishing and decorations
So this is just to give you all a direction and a goal to accomplish by the meeting we'll be having this Wednesday and also to keep in with the Timeline for Week 10. Some may seem to have a heavier workload compared to others at this time, but this is because there are some things that need to be completed first before the others can start, please do not feel agitated because of this. If there are any dispute, anything concerning you and your progress, or if you feel unfairly treated, please do feel free to approach me, I don't bite :) we'll try to solve it together.
This seems like an effective way to keep in with the Timeline, so I'll continue to post up roles and tasks to accomplish every week or whenever needed. Do keep up to date by visiting this blog more often! I'll continue to keep you posted with the latest happenings and discussions.
Also, please do post your working updates on this blog so that other group members would be aware of what you are doing and your progress with the model. Don't do things in secret! We want to know what you've been doing with the model! This would be a great way to keep a formal documentation of your personal progress. (and also cause it seems as though it's just me and Justin hogging up the blog space!)
BTW, this Wednesday's meeting time would be amended to 4pm due to clashes with the Design Workshop timings.
Updated Group Meeting InfoDay / Date: Wednesday / 13-10-2010
Time: 4pm
Location: Architecture Studio Computer Lab
I'll see all of you there! Thanks for your great team effort!
Take care,
P/S: I'll be sending out SMS's and e-mail's regarding the updated group meeting information and also to make you aware of the new postings on this blog.